Monday, November 24, 2008

Frusteration with those who think they are better

What i wish was that those people in uniform, and those shopkeepers who provide a service to the community would be able to treat the homeless people with dignity and respect.
Its upsetting that people look down on those who are the most vonerable.
... that it's OK to ask for help...

Why can store owners just stay open a bit longer and let those who need to use the washrooms do so? ... i think thats dumb that the malls close, and cant afford to hire some extra staff so that people can stay in side...
the mall is open 24/7 with someone in side. .. why cant they just let people stay in side?

Ya... tommorow i'll see if those buildings are still for sale. .. I might ask and find out how much.
i wish the city of Victoria would donate the buildings for this cause. ... would certainly help.

Monday, October 6, 2008

FOR SALE: These buildings... awesome!

So ya, i see that these buiilding are still for sale.

Looking forward to being able to buy them.

I want to set up a company which is "not-for-loss"  Artists INN Transition.
It will be all opensource... the finances will be open source, so that everone will see what expeneces are given and what income is recieved to keep it going.

Right now, im planning on starting the "Across Canada Trails" as an actual company.  My goal is to wright a book about the route across canada as a map book guidebook showing the route across Canada. ... as this book is technically possable to make... thats exciting.. 

So im still torn, on how to aproach it. .. The idea is solid, and i can see that I will get overwhelming support for this project once i make it public. . 
As i can get donations and it will work that i can put an offer down and buy the building.
Once i get the buildings then right away I can get a permit and permission from the city to let people live in the building.
... and basically ask them... what are the rules that I need to follow to remain open.

I want the building to be open 24/7/365 and open to anyone who comes in the door.
A set of simle wiki rules will apply.

Ill start the process by posting what i think the rules should be, along with how the company is run.. then others can go in there and edit it..

Oh, ya.... for those interested.. a great site about the tar sands..

Ya, the building will be for activists... but only for peacefull activists.. 
The set of rules that the city will empose will be shown on the wall.. and visually available... so all can see.

Then the set of rules that the Artists INN Transition emposes will also be there.

Why rules? ... well as a group, so that everyone knows the way things are. ...
there very basic and streight forward. .. and really explained the reasoning behind the rules...
thats why.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Re: Artists INN Transition - Proposal Needed

Hi, here's and update from my post

Since I posed it, i have seen newspaper articles, and since yesterdays post, it prompted me to make another attempt. ... With 1177 views i didn't have any negative feedback, so i must be on track.

Here's an update after going over the Vibrant discussion of the Kramer buildings

What Im looking for are some volunteers to step forward and help out with a formal proposal to be submited to the city. (it's available as a document on Google Docs here)

I, (we) the 100 signed residents, tennents visitors, and interest people -the local community agree to the following:

That The Kramer buildings, to be managed by a group of dedicated volunteers, creating a true Community Center which is funded and supported by the local community through support of donated materials, ideas and human power.

Artists INN Transition:
Creating a community centered space where those in the community can freely stay the night, provided by the generosity of the volunteer members. (using the Kool-Aid Society model as an example (substituting $ for donations)

Food: Providing food and meals for those in need with a community bases kitchen. Shirley there are people who know how to cook, and can request specifac food items to be donated. ... alot of food can be made from a low donation of $ of food. ... instead of donating KD, donating ideas is cheeper actually. (Using the Food Bank Model)

Showers/Washroom: Providing from generous donations from the community who can pay for the water and hydro to be available, (reminder NO government funding, only direct donations with no strings)

Artists INN Transition: By sharing for free your knowledge and providing free classes and lessons it is possible to provide . ... on all areas of the arts
Music: The city has a surplus of musical talent, the space can hold free concerts

Free Bike Repair: ... Um ya, its located right at where the Trans Canada Trail is, and certainly people can donate there old bicycles which can be taken apart and re-used for other bikes. Certainly people can donate better bike parts.... together collectively we know ALOT about bicycles.

Computer Help: ... Um ya, we all know lots about computers and can certainly help each other out, especially helping people learn how to post there stories... using, and certainly now that computers are cheep, they can be donated. .. the EEE PC that Royal Bank is giving away for new people to sign up.... people can donate those.

Health Care: .. Um ya, we all know that Google Health can now hold each persons profile of their own health status. We can all help each other and be a listening ear for those in need. .. (Government can put funding to the hospitals to that it expands there staffing level and opens up branches of the long-term extended care areas around the city, so then those who need medical attention can stick with the same system)... Individuals should be aloud to keep their own medical file, so when meeting with anyone, they can show their medical history, regardless of what level of government or what agency is giving the medical attention.

Building Maintenance: Well, theres lots of talent in the city, who can contribute to the regular maintenance of the building, for free advertising of what is done, those people who contribute there time and materials in maintaining the building will be rewarded

Community Support:
By keeping the owner the same, the building is not really donated. What we are asking is for the owner to support this idea and contribute to the overall vision of what the building will be like. What we offer in exchange of NO MONEY just COMMUNITY SUPPORT is just that. Making this building a fully self sufficient and self governing group, with the owners estate at the chair.

What we want from the City?
A simple OK and a stamp.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Re: Artists INN Transition - All the pieces are available

So im sure im not the only one, who walks on Douglas and passes by those who have there hand out asking for change. .. Our hearts go out to you. .. As I wrattle my brain, in search of something that I can do to help. ...

1 - Money: ... We all know that its really not worth anything until it is put to use. .. For 5 dollars there is so many different things that can be done...

So what i do ask, is what he/she needs the money for... then i can see if i can provide. .. If money is for some food. .. then i can go to a store and buy the food that he/she wants.

What I would love to be able to ask is; Do you have a place to sleep tonight?
and on a NO. Then I would be able to say that there is an Artists INN Transition house, the address is ... I can take you there to see.
The home is strictly run by volunteers, some of whome are formerly homeless.
and houses travelers of local and abroad. A hostel where it is totally free.

All we ask is that after the basic needs are taken care of, is that your able to help out in whatever means you can, as whatever skills you have and can help.

What i have found is that it is far better to take the aproach of everyone is an artist, and those who are traveling are in transition, still figuring out what there place is in life, and where they want to be.

Travelers are very much like the homeless, many go off and sell most of there belogings and get a backpack, and go off to see the world. .. They go from town to town, and stay in the cheepest place they can find.. even if its a dorm style with many beds .. as long as its shelter, instead of camping somewhere.. and has a shower, and a kitchen area.. thats all they need. ..
The rest is extras and what makes each hostel unique.
What i dont want to have is a hostel that has super strict rules, and doesnt know how to relax, and see that everyone is human. .... We are all born free, and we all make mistakes. .. we know that knowone is perfect, thats what makes us all unique.
But what we also know is that we all have our own special gifts and tallents. .. Everyone does, no mattenhow hard we try to hide it. ...

For many people, it takes that almost manditory Europe trip after highschool, to go and see the world.... so that we must ´Find Ourselves´ .. Although really, it isnt in going places that we find our selves, but that in simply taking that leap of faith and going out of our comfort zone... and we see that whereever you go in the world, everyone has the same basic needs, and wants and desires. ..

Its unfortunate that there is the political system of governments who unwhittingly want to restrict freedom of choice and travel. ...... so although individually we cant make a HUDGE difference.... BUT we can make a BIG difference. .. We can all do our part and help out where we can.

Personally, there is a feeling of self gratification when you know you have helped someone, and you didnt get paid money for it... you helped someone out just in the pure act of kindness. ... not wanting anything in return, ... there is so much that we can provide that... ya, money cant give. ...

What about offering to buy a cup of coffee, and sit down with the person in need, and just isten to there story? ... everyone has a story, and is surprised to learn after sharing it with someone, that there story isn´t really the most profound, just as your story isnt... but it is special, because you lived and survived to tell the tale and talk about the past .. the things that have happened.

EVERYONE, has had hard times and the feeling of regret, yet MOST people do a great job of acting, and dressing up in a costume... be it a suite or in old clothes. ... whatever, they find a way to cope with it... as you look at the many passerbuyers, you can almost tell by there expressions..... are they so self focused that they really stress about it, and physically it shows... or do they look like they ..... I could go on, but i wont... I have read many self-help books,... some might a helped. .. what i did learn is that the basic point is that all we can do as the general public who walks by is to just take a few moments and offer to learn what it is that they want... as really money doesnt matter, what does matter is what you can do with it, and how you are able to be of service to other people... ..and by listening to what people re saying and asking, you can be of help.

This is why i want to open up an Artists INN Transition Hostel, this way it can be a home for those who dont have a perminent home. .. Whats special about this place is that it is totally free, and is also the place, for say... the Needle Exchange, and for counceling, and for the food bank, and for people who can draw, paint, play music, write... people who can use a computer.. and people who are great at listening and people who are great at sharing stories. ..
So having the emphaisis on it being a hostel for Artists INN Transition, and promoting the fact that the purpose is to be simply a great place for people to spend the night, and to learn from other travelers, and to share there stories. ...
It doesnt matter where you came from before you enter the hostel, if you have have been traveling... eithor abroad or local traveling, and need a nice hot shower and a place to fold out your sleeping pad, and sleeping bag... thats the basics.. .. once more things can be donated, then the better the service can be. .. so making full use of all of the Community services available would be a big thing. .. and have all the relevent information easily available.
... if people need to have the various forms filled out for different places, then we could probably have someof those forms available, and be of assistance to help them out. ..

Whats great is that we can have volunteers who are trained in every field, and be able to help.. doctors/ nurces / psyciatrists, people who are trained in music and the different arts.. people who know the different computer skills, people who know building and maintence, and people who know all the inns and outs, these all can be provided by volunteers. ..

So anyway, i dont know if i have the tallent myself to get the people together who can make it happen, but i certainly can help in the details and the vision. .. I guess its rather streight forward... as long as those who work there do so and are not getting paid, thats the main thing... that sure, people would have other things todo, ... i feel my job is to keep the ball rolling and do what i can to get the right people together who can make it work.

Monday, May 12, 2008

FAQ: How Will I get the building?

Well, good question
I figure that gathering a group of representatives from each organization who are dedicated in helping with the solution to the ´problem' of Homelessness.
By focusing the organization to become an Artists INN transition ´Hostel´, where it hosts a growing community of like minded people. The space becomes a magnet for those who are interested in helping others. .. It becomes a ´Home Base´ for all the other non-profit organizations to be able to work from.

The premise being that connecting with a group of min 5 people who also believe in this project, it´s enough to get our ideas together so then it can be presented to the City of Victoria Council, as an option for what can be done with this building. ... and what other spaces could be donated if counsel has a better idea... or if they demand that the organization pays... then a price would be set, and open for donations by the community.

I am convinced that this looks like an obvious and practical solution, which would benefit the whole community. ... A place run by volunteers and dedicated people, where all the materials would all be donated. ... Having this place to be fully self supported .. with no government support.
... All i need to get started is 2 things. ...
1 5 committed people who are willing to volunteer there time to be looking after the property around the clock.
and 2 - the permission from the city to go ahead and start.

... If people object, it is important that there voices get heard. .. Ideally, the plans for major projects would be posted on the Organizations website, so then the public can respond, as well as contact numbers so then the public can be involved.


P.S. If you are one of the 5 reading this, please contact me 250 588 9041 ... and lets see what can be done.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Try... and try again... It IS POSSABLE

Hi, I just did a google search for Janion Building ..

I had no idea that back in the fall (I got here in January) that it has been tried. ... accept only on the wrong angle. ... from ... my angle is pro a Artists INN Transition, a volunteer run hostel.

Building Squatted in Victoria

October 23rd 5:00pm

squat_gassedA building was squatted in downtown Victoria in solidarity with the APC squat and to demand that the regional governments and provincial governments build social housing. The Victoria riot squad shot tear gas into the building and arrested former APC member and Victory Squat resident Craig.

Communique from Victoria



Monday, October 23, 2006

VICTORIA, BC--A dozen homeless people and supporters have occupied the Janion Building in downtown Victoria, BC, a three-storey building at the corner of Store and Pandora streets that has been vacant for nearly two decades.

"We have opened this building to provide emergency housing," participants said in a statement. Homelessness is an emergency that is growing worse. The City, Province, Feds and police have not responded to Victoria's growing homelessness crisis. So we have taken action ourselves."

The Ad-Hoc Committee to End Homelessness has mobilized in defense of the Store Street Squat. Consisting of church members, trade unionists, community activists, and other concerned citizens, the Committee is encouraging Victoria residents to visit the squat immediately to prevent police from evicting the inhabitants of Victoria's newest emergency shelter.

The participants in the squat have begun renovations in the derelict building, with drills, saws, hammers, and 2X4s to make it livable for the winter.

"This building has remained vacant long enough," one participant said. "It is now open to provide the housing that decision-makers have refused to provide."


News Report


CFAX 1070
Oct 23, 2006

A group of homeless people are still squatting in an abandoned building downtown.

The ad-hoc committee on homelessness is outside supporting the group...who say they'll be there until regional governments and the province agree to fund more affordable housing.

Committee member Ben Isitt says the squatters are prepared to stay in the Janion Building for the long-haul...but are also ready to be arrested.

Isitt says the homeless group has been planning this squat for over a month, and are well equipped for a long stay.

Addendum to blog 'Artists INN Transition'

The Artists 'Inn' Transition organization will have a board of directors from the other privatly funded organizations, such as the food bank and the Anawim house. stressing the importance of NO government funding
this is 1 BRILLIANT idea to help end homelessness and help artists of all types and generas in Victoria
im preparing a notice for the city council, i need to email it tonight, to get noticed for tomorow.
any volunteers?
p.s in short,
An international and local volunteer run and maintained free hostel.
the board is voted by the peoples recomendations.
All items acquired for free from craigslist,
and of course, personal donations
oh ya, 'aboriginal' people... along with everyother 'human' would be welcome to share teach and art, music and culture. -obviously, wi-fi would be available too.
all expences and income open book.
and foodbank and street newz will have space.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Nlight-Inn: Artists Inn Transition - Introduction

This is ...
a home for people who don't have a home.
...a place where people from all walks of life are treated as beautiful people, who all have awsome tallent
...a place with no front desk, people who want to be in charge can do so, they can give input to make the place will get better as more people give input.
...a space where artists can do work.
...a place of no charge, as donations welcome
..a galery
..a cafe open jam space
..a building that has floors
..people can rent out space for a cost as donation to the building
... a place however, where all items brought onto property are to be donated, and no charge for those who cant pay ... all items are replaceable

...helping out is encouraged but not enforced

working on acquiring the building next to the via rail building
sponsored by the Across Canada Trails Foundation, from rental of GPS devices,

Helping people find there way,~ Inlight-inn

Intro to this Project

Sam Vekemans, and avid cyclist and GPS Mapping Publisher the founder of Across Canada Trails In pleased to announce the start of this new Venture ... Artists Inn Transition, or NLight-inn (the company/Hostel name hasnt been defined totally yet.

After being in Victoria for 3 months, and having gone by each day the countless homeless people on the street, it made him wonder "What Can I do to Help?"
Well, here in the city there are several programs that are available, but none really that combine an awsome hostel environment, with helping the homeless.
Mirroring the concept of Work for Stay, at a hostel. .. However, becomming a place where artists of all types can get a starting ground.

The main Motto is 'Don't Worry, Be Happy'
- Life is simply too short to be worring about things.... if we just have the confidence and believe that things will always work out for the best. ... That's the 1st step in making things better.
-The concept of giving of yourself 1st, before you recieve is another value. Everyone has some tallent and ability, and has something that they can offer.

The community is designed that it will grow with more people involvement and input to make it better.... provided that the main motto is always looked at 1st.

Free counceling... lets say, free ears are available to listen to peoples stories. ... They are to be written down in text form and shared with others..

Using the power of free we are able to use resources such as and can go pick up the various 'Things' needed. If everyone helps a little.. Wow, what a difference.

More details to follow.....