Thursday, May 8, 2008

Addendum to blog 'Artists INN Transition'

The Artists 'Inn' Transition organization will have a board of directors from the other privatly funded organizations, such as the food bank and the Anawim house. stressing the importance of NO government funding
this is 1 BRILLIANT idea to help end homelessness and help artists of all types and generas in Victoria
im preparing a notice for the city council, i need to email it tonight, to get noticed for tomorow.
any volunteers?
p.s in short,
An international and local volunteer run and maintained free hostel.
the board is voted by the peoples recomendations.
All items acquired for free from craigslist,
and of course, personal donations
oh ya, 'aboriginal' people... along with everyother 'human' would be welcome to share teach and art, music and culture. -obviously, wi-fi would be available too.
all expences and income open book.
and foodbank and street newz will have space.

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